June 2024 Horoscopes are here!

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Even though the sun is in Gemini, it may still feel like it’s your time, Aries, as June 2024 begins with four planets in your sign, one of them being your ruler, Mars. This good vibe is enhanced by Jupiter, Venus, and the sun in Gemini and in the natural zodiac; all of this gets along great! Enjoy it while it lasts, though, because once Solstice arrives, you may find all that smooth-flowing energy replaced with challenges that have to do with the home, immediate family, and getting along with people you have known for a long time. Optimism may be your companion as these challenges arrive, driving home the importance of a positive mindset. For the whole month, you may find growth opportunities that come your way through conversations you have with friends. 

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): June 2024 begins with a sense of relief as Jupiter exits your sign, and Mercury will soon follow. This means you may find things calm down dramatically, and while the unexpected may continue to occur, it is not as big as it has been in the recent past. You may also find the first half of June 2024 is a time of necessary minor adjustments, particularly regarding socialization and taking care of administrative work. As the month progresses, you may find things calm down quite a bit and take a turn for the better, especially when spending time with your family and close friends and getting a second wind in your sails. The latter part of June is a good time to wrap up DIY projects and any outstanding changes related to diet, exercise, and money. 

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Happy birthday Geminis! It’s your month, and it starts with much emphasis and fun. Jupiter recently entered your sign, bringing with it potential for prosperity and the expansion of consciousness, and it joins Venus, which brings romance, money, creativity, and a deeper connection with the divine feminine. All of the activity in Aries tells us now is a time for new beginnings and taking the initiative, and with Jupiter and Venus present, you may find these chances pay off. As June continues, things cool off dramatically, but the same potential for success is there if you make minor adjustments. Even though your emotions may be tense around Solstice, this will be short-lived. If you feel the need, the latter part of the month is a good time to initiate something new, formally or not. 

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): June 2024 begins with many challenges in the air, particularly regarding short tempers, working within your psychological limits, and how your life aligns with your spiritual growth. However, your work now lays a foundation for further, longer-lasting growth and success in the future. Both personal and mass communication may be on point, and the first half of the month is a good time to use the World Wide Web to your advantage, especially regarding creativity and networking. As the month continues, things get a lot better. Venus enters your sign around the Solstice, joining Mercury, and shortly thereafter, the suns join them. These activities tell us romance, money through the home, creativity, and personal communication will generally favor you if you handle situations with care. The latter part of the month is a good time to begin new exercise routines, dietary changes, and new money management skills. 

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Of all the signs in the zodiac, except Gemini, Leos begins June 2024 with a lot of energy, good fortune, and opportunities for long-standing success. Spiritual growth and psychological healing are accentuated, telling us this is a good time to focus on being a better version of yourself. As the month continues, you may see challenges concerning money, your diet, and health, so it would be wise to read this before Solstice arrives to prepare for what’s to come. However, optimism will stay strong through the end of the month, and it would be wise all month to watch what you say on the Internet because impulsiveness may leave you humbled. For the whole month, you may find opportunities for prosperity and new growth are brought to your door through the people you know and your ability to network and talk to the right people. 

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Challenges may be present at the beginning of the month that have to do with money through friends and opportunities for expansion, but if you keep in mind that these will die down quickly, you may see you can weather the short storm. Emotional tension continues to be present for the whole of the month, and for the first two weeks, you may find your communication skills are on point, both in person and on the Internet. As the month progresses, things go from challenging to smooth as more and more planets enter Cancer. Around Solstice, romance, money through the home, long-term friends, and communication all take turns for the better. There might still be the lingering irritation of prosperity challenges that have to do with friends, but this is background noise. Your emotions around Solstice may be out of sorts, too, but this will be short-lived. 

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Even though you might still be internally out of sorts or on edge, or both, you may find there is a sense of optimism and good things happening in your social circles, so now is the time to capitalize on opportunities for prosperity and expansion. You may also find the potential for romance through connections you have, or perhaps money comes your way through social interactions. As the month continues, you may see that the potential for prosperity and the expansion of consciousness are still there through socialization, but now there may be challenges present that have to do with accidentally hurting someone’s feelings through words, money that has to do with the home and immediate family, and the aforementioned romance. Optimism may be present around Solstice, too, and this is a good time to travel. 

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Mars is the underlying energy for the beginning of June 2024, so if you apply your passion and energy right, you may find you can accomplish quite a lot. But this also means if you’re not careful, your temper may be shorter, and you may be more accident-prone. Both personal and mass communication may be tense right now, and you may find online conversations strained, too, so regardless of how you communicate, being careful and compassionate are two strongly suggested phrases of encouragement. As the month continues, you may find that a huge shift occurs. Not only does the tension dissipate, but you may also find opportunity after opportunity is brought to you for instant gratification, long-term growth, and success. You may also find this is a good time for spiritual initiation and investing your emotions in new projects. Really, the month could be seen as moving from night to day, which is a break Scorpios have been desiring and really needed. 

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Overall tension in life is the major theme as June 2024 rolls around, but the good news is that all this is short-lived. Specifically, you may feel like you are in a Mercury retrograde because of the tension in the air concerning personal communication. You may also see tension in your romantic life and money and how opening your mouth incorrectly can cost you money. Jupiter is now in Gemini, which puts tension on your spirituality and long-term financial plans, so it would be wise to adapt if possible. This continues to be a good time for psychological healing, though. As the month continues, it is worth noting that most of this tension disappears. An emotional high and a wave of optimism are two things that help you greet the last two weeks of the month and kick July off with a lot of enthusiasm. Overall, June brings with it spiritual and emotional maturity, particularly when it comes to dealing with other people. 

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): June 2024 begins with a complex picture. First, when it comes to your career and workplace, if you make the right connections and deals, you may be able to lay a strong foundation for where you want to go moving forward in general. However, many, many challenges may be present in the workplace, too, especially those having to do with getting everyone on the same page, fiery tempers and egos, and problematic people. As you will see, as June 2024 progresses, much of that fiery energy will subside or dissipate, only to transform into a general tension. However, this tension will be all about harmonizing the home and work life rather than how it was at the beginning of the month. At the very end of the month, Saturn, your ruling planet, stations retrograde in Pisces, so watch out for karmic situations to come back around as you head into July. 

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Other than communication problems in person and online, you may find that June 2024 brings fantastic energy. The first two weeks of the month are great times to socialize, brainstorm, and begin new projects, particularly those that can help you psychologically heal. Be careful, though, as your attention span and temper might be shorter than normal. The first two weeks are perfect for laying the foundation for romantic relationships, money through your connections, and increasing your creativity. Once Solstice arrives, the vibe changes dramatically, but not for the worse. Rather, it is a lateral diminishment, moving from beneficial to non-impacting. Now that Jupiter is in Gemini, though, you may find that for the duration, it is easier to brainstorm, socialize, and figure your way out of perspective problems you are currently experiencing. 

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): The challenges keep coming, Pisces, but once June is done, you may see a light at the end of the tunnel. While personal and mass communication may be rolling along smoothly and adapting to the physical world is easier than normal, you may find challenges regarding romance, money, spiritual growth, the expansion of consciousness, and shallow interactions with other people. One of the ways to work with this is to focus on what you can control and, when necessary, block out the background chatter of smiling glad hands. As the month continues, most of those challenges will cease. Later in the month, your romantic life may improve and deepen, and your ability to connect with others makes personal conversations more effective. The latter half of June is also a good time to change the physical world if you’ve been waiting. Once Solstice arrives, you may find challenges around every corner, though, and while some of these will be short-lived, others, such as Jupiter in Gemini, may linger, urging you to be conservative when interacting with others. 

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com. 



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