August 2023 Horoscopes are here!

*For all signs-Mercury stations retrograde on July 22, at twenty-one degrees Virgo, and will be retrograde until September 16, where it finishes at eight degrees Virgo. 


These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop, who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, and feel free to email him at

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): August 2023 may begin with a feeling of being between two worlds: the previous world of imagination and creativity and the upcoming healing world, with the only problem area being your daily work life. A good way to work with this is to stay optimistic and circle back to things you put on the back burner that may help your current situation. As the month progresses, you may find that the workplace might take up more of your time, requiring a lot of adjustments for success. You may also discover that reviewing your spending habits, particularly impulse buys, may be smart. Also of note is that you can expect an extra energy burst around the middle of the month, and if that is the case, it is wise to have an outlet for that energy rather than letting it boil over unexpectedly and inappropriately. 

Taurus (Approx April 21st to approx. May 21st): Manifestation is the theme for August 2023, so if you plan things right, you may find you can maximize many results during the month. However, towards the beginning of the month, you may find challenges regarding romance and situations from your past that have strangely come back up. As the month continues, you may find that things get a lot better, especially in the romance area and fun money. Throughout the whole month, diligence and discipline may be your two strongest allies. It is also worth mentioning that your emotions may be out of sorts around the twentieth, lasting for about a week. A lot of this will have to do with how you have processed emotional wounds and the limits they impose. This will be short-lived, though, so consider this a case of forewarned is forearmed. 


Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Fun, good fortune, and romance may be some of the themes that occur as August 2023 begins, so it is wise to stay light-hearted. Even though the workplace and daily work life may be full of challenges, especially when it comes to communication, you may find everything else in your life is rolling along nicely and smoothly at the moment, with a lot of healing occurring. As the month matures, you may find the theme shifts to specifically communication in the workplace, as Mercury stations retrograde. Regarding your health, avoiding eating while driving or engaging in manual dexterity activity would be wise. In general, this is a good time to go within and change what needs to be changed to navigate the upcoming Mercury retrograde’s focus on your professional life. 


Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Of all of the signs in the zodiac, you are the ones that are in a prime position as August 2023 opens, so it would be wise to ride the vibe as long as you can. This may especially be true regarding the workplace and the physical world in general. This is also a good time to get proactive regarding work-related projects and initiatives. As the month continues, things may go from good to great, and even the upcoming Mercury retrograde can bring surprisingly good work-related benefits if you stay humble and seize opportunities as they arise. In the latter part of the month, it is a good time to lay a foundation for emotional and spiritual projects. Be careful, though, as past hurts may paralyze your forward movement during the last two weeks. 


Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): Happy birthday Leos! This is your month to shine! The Venus retrograde complicates things a bit, as you may find a theme right now is to make do with less, especially when it comes to fun and discretionary spending. Unexpected expenses may come up that have to do with food, money, and all things related to the physical world, so it would be wise to play things safe and address whatever comes your way. As the month continues, things may go from extremely good to average, and with the Mercury retrograde, you may find your energy and attention are drawn to your work life. That means it is a good time to wrap up work projects and revisit tabled conversations. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the middle of the month, but this will be short-lived. 


Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Work, work, work may be the theme of the start of August 2023, so it is smart to know that ahead of time to allocate accordingly. This is also a good time for long-term financial investments and solidifying your health and financial future. As the month continues, things may improve, but the Mercury retrograde is about to hit you hard in most life areas. Work, money, business, and health are all themes that will carry through most of the month, so it can be easy to focus and create your circumstances as necessary. This also means that August is not a good month for creativity and spirituality, so you may find it wise to return to either or both in September. 

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): While your creativity may be flowing at the beginning of August 2023, you may find the romantic life requires some review, as is your discretionary spending. This is part of your ongoing healing process, which might create internal tension. As the month matures, you may find that the Mercury retrograde requires a lot of minor adjustments to achieve success in the workplace and with your health. Adjustments may be the theme of the last two weeks of the month, so if you stay alert, face what you need to face internally, and make the appropriate adjustments, you might hit the ground running when Mercury directs. If spiritual lessons are addressed, you may find a lot of spiritual and emotional healing, which could open the door to greater creative growth. 


Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Ouch. This may be the word that best sums up the beginning of August, as challenges and growth opportunities may be common when it comes to money, romance, the love life, and stalled creativity, so it would be wise to do what you do best-take care of business by blocking out distractions. You may also find this is a time to play things financially conservatively and make the appropriate adjustments for your long-term physical world foundation. As the month continues, work, and all things related may take up the bulk of your time, and while money and love may still be challenged with the Venus retrograde, things otherwise roll along smoothly. Your emotions may become excited around the middle of the month, but this will be brief, allowing you to get back to work. 


Sagittarius (Approx November 21st to Winter Solstice): Optimism, innovation, and extra energy may all be themes over the first two weeks of August. These themes you can easily embrace, even with the Venus retrograde impacting your love life and cash flow. Your daily work life may be full of challenges, particularly regarding communication, but it is also a good time to take the initiative when opportunities present themselves. As the month continues, it is worth noting the Mercury retrograde because you, along with Virgo, Geminis, and Pisces, will be the most affected, so consider this your alert. That transit may do more than bring communication issues. It may also uncover other issues you didn’t know about until now. The good news is that if you like to be the hero, this is an opportunity to showcase your skills. 

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Like Virgos, August 2023 may start with a lot of emphasis on your professional life and work routine, so it would be wise to focus on the practical. Also worth mentioning is that this is a good time to take a second look at how you process emotions and see if it is a good time for an upgrade. As the month continues, the workload only intensifies, and the Mercury retrograde will bring its fair share of unexpected projects and miscues. You may also find the latter part of the month is a good time to focus on the actual business side of what you do rather than just the daily grind. Playing it safe in areas of romance may also be smart to do for the whole month, but especially towards the end. 


Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): This Venus retrograde may make itself felt in your life as August 2023 begins, so it would be wise to handle money and romance cautiously until the retrograde ends. Additionally, you may find that prosperity, specifically investments, is at a crossroads and that unexpected expenses that are a bigger hassle than normal may come out. Also, watch your diet, as food poisoning may be possible. As August continues, you may find that things pick up when Mercury retrogrades, but what is coming up are details that need to be addressed, more than major situations. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the middle of the month, but this will only last a few days. All in all, compared to other signs, things might not be so bad. 


Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Work and the daily work routine may be the major sources of tension as August 2023 begins, so it would be wise to detach and do what needs to be done. Prosperity may be rolling along nicely and smoothly, too, and much of what is happening now is karmic. As the month matures, you may discover that the workplace becomes tenser and that miscommunications and scheduling issues may be two areas to address. However, you are in a good position to lay a long-term foundation from a business perspective. You may also discover that magick is in the air somehow, whether it is a chance encounter or things miraculously coming together. This Mercury retrograde period will primarily have to do with how you spend your time daily to achieve success. 


These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at 

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