Bronze Egyptian Pendants
We’ve been loving our new batch of Bronze! In case you’re not familiar, scroll to the bottom to discover the qualities of Bronze.
In the meantime, this is a sample of our new Egyptian pendants. Some of the deities and their qualities include:
Anubis: Greek for “Anpu”; guide in afterlife, rules over embalming, “Opener of the Way” Depicted as a jackal w/ bushy tail, or man w/ jackal head. Son of Osiris & Nephthys, raised by Isis
Bastet: Patroness of music & dance, protector of pregnant women & from diseases or demons; depicted as woman w/ Cat’s head holding sistrum & ankh; celebrated w/ festivals, pranks & drinking alcohol
Horus: Greek name for Heru, depicted as a falcon, son of Isis & Osiris, avenged his father’s death at the hands of his uncle, Set;
Sekhmet: Goddess of Strength & Protection; consort of Ptah; associated with fires, plagues & healing; depicted as a woman with a lion’s head or as a lioness, frequently with a solar disk on her head
Eye of Horus: Strong protection
Scarab: Protection, strength and rebirth
- A combination of Copper & Tin
- Solar Metal, substitute for Gold;
- A protective and empowering metal;
- Stimulates healing; Brings good luck;
- Brings positive interactions with others;
- Attracts both love and money.