Click on your sign to see what’s in store for you this month!Â
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): The new year begins with a
lot of emphasis on friends, your social life, and powerful emotions, so you may
find this is a good opportunity to harness and direct those emotions into
planning changes for the upcoming year. Challenges may exist in the workplace,
but then again, it’s the new year, so this is nothing new. As the month
continues, your role in society and how you funnel your emotions rises to
prominence to address, and if you reach out to your friends for guidance, you
may find they can help more than you anticipated. During the last two weeks of
the month, you may find challenges come up in your family life that have to do
with power struggles and authority. Part of the resolution for this concerns
power exchanges rather than complete authority.
Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx.
May 21st): Even though the sun is in another earth sign, you may feel like strong,
agitated emotions are the focal point for the beginning of 2025. Money coming
to you may be problematic right now, but that will change by the middle of the
month. Romance may also be challenged, but again, this will be short-lived. It
is also smart to watch your temper over the first two weeks of January. As the
month continues, you may find that even though your temper stays short, everything
else rolls along nicely and smoothly, especially regarding romance, money,
spirituality, and learning from your emotions. If you focus on your workplace,
you may find that you are in a good spot to talk to the right people to lay the
foundation for advancement later this year.
Gemini (Approx. May 2Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Change is in the air as January starts, and like other air signs, you may feel it rather strongly. While communication may be tense at the beginning of the month, this will be short-lived and fade by mid-January. The beginning of January is a good time to do an internal review regarding creativity, where you spend your energy, and why. You may also find the first two weeks are still full of issues regarding spirituality and emotions, but these have been happening for a while and will continue for quite some time. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that the feeling of change is still in the air, and with it, a desire to connect with others of a like mind, but now challenges exist when it comes to romance and money earned through creative projects. The last two weeks are a good time to focus on approaching situations from multiple directions rather than dealing with them directly.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): General tension may be in the air as January 2025 begins, but this is normal for this time of year, and other than that, things may feel good overall. The beginning of the month is a good time to focus on your yearly plans and to readdress how you will handle the unexpected that comes up during the year. As the month continues, you may discover things get much more affectionate and better overall. Romance, money through your creativity, and how you live your spirituality may all be things that come to positive fruition in the last two weeks. However, your communication in the workplace may be problematic, and you may have to watch what you say to your coworkers. The last two weeks of the month may be challenging when it comes to getting along with others because these conversations open old wounds, but the wounds need to be healed, so in the long run, these immediate problems may be the urging you need to bring final healing to your life
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August
21st): January 2025 begins with a lot of tension in the air, as you may find
your emotions are out of sorts, mostly regarding where society is heading
versus where you think it should be going. Money and romance may also be tense,
but these issues will only last the first two weeks of the month or so.
However, your communication skills are sharper than normal, and if you focus on
investments, you might find you can maneuver yourself into a position for
success later in 2025. As the month continues, the tension regarding romance
and money may dissipate and be replaced with good times with friends and loved
ones. But, the overall tension regarding your role in society may still be
there and will be in effect for quite some time.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal
Equinox): Even
though communication may be challenged at the beginning of January, you may
find that otherwise, this is just another month to navigate. The first two
weeks of the year bring a focus on your career, occupation, and health, so it
would be wise to stay grounded and deal with the physical world. As the month
progresses, you may see that tension is now present when it comes to romance
and money through creativity, but both of these issues will not last long and
will be resolved by the second week of February. You may also find that your
communication issues have cleared up to be replaced with opportunities for
advancement in the workplace and career. Overall, tension will still be present
through the end of the month, but most of this has been going on for a while,
so the intensity is not what you might expect.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Challenges in your
workplace and overall direction in life may be the theme of the beginning of
January, but other than that, things may be rolling along nicely and smoothly.
Money and love are rolling along smoothly now, emphasizing the long-term rather
than immediate results, and socialization is emphasized for the first two
weeks. Your communication may be on point, and you might discover this is a
good time to focus on changing your creative outlets or fixing any ego problems
you might have. As the month continues, it is worth noting that there may be
communication issues in the workplace, and your emotions have been stronger
than normal for the last two weeks. You may also see that family, home, and
long-time friends are all situations you have to deal with, but the resolution
of those issues can be found in making internal changes and practicing the
finer arts of compassion, humility, forgiveness, and love.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx.
November 21st): Like Leos and Taurus’, you may find January begins with a lot of
challenges in the air having to do with changes in society, love, money, and
your social circles, so it would be wise to practice that (in)famous Scorpio
detachment. Your temper may also be shorter than normal, but this is largely
due to something within you being off. You may also find the first two weeks is
a good time to address where your energy is going and why and to make changes where
appropriate. As January matures, it is worth noting that love and money
situations become smoother and better, but the general feeling of tension is
still there. A good way to handle this is by focusing on your work life,
career, occupation, and overall direction in life. Communication will be sharp
in the workplace, and if you have been looking for a good time to make inner,
emotional, and spiritual changes, this is that time. For the last two weeks of
the month, it would be wise to do your best to avoid accidents, especially when
you are out in public.
Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to
Winter Solstice): Unlike many other signs, you may find that January 2025 begins with
easy-flowing adjustments concerning society, where it is going, and how you can
prosper from that. Love and money may be rolling along nicely, but you may also
feel drained as the new year opens up. However, this can be addressed by
reassessing where your energy is going and why. This is also a good time to
revisit your creativity and see if there are new, better outlets to use to share
your visions. As the month progresses, challenges may come up that have to do
with romance, expressing your creativity, and the money you earn through
creative projects. The last two weeks of January are a good time to socialize
and network; through this, new opportunities may flow easily to you.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Happy birthday Capricorns! This is the month of the goat, meaning it is your month. The essence of the first two weeks of January is making lots of minor adjustments to achieve success. Communication, love, and money you spend with your friends may all be things to adjust to as the new year begins. As January moves forward, you may find communication becomes paramount, and if you adapt the right way in your professional life, you lay some groundwork for success later this year, particularly during March. You may also find your romantic life, creativity, and spirituality are all rolling along nicely in the last two weeks of the month, and this will last for the first week in February, too. Personal relationships, particularly in your friends’ circle, may be challenged towards the middle of the month, but these issues will be short-lived and will fade by month’s end. Tension in the home, like with the immediate family, may be occurring the last ten days of January, and while this will be short-lived, it will still last through the middle of February
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to
approx. February 21st): Even though it’s not your birthday month, you may
feel like it is with all of the Aquarius energy present at the start of 2025.
Love, money, emotions, friends, and social changes may all be rolling along in
line with your desires, and you may find your communication skills are stronger
than normal, too. Your energy levels may be lower than normal, but this is
largely due to habits that need to be changed to free up energy for more
important purposes. As January matures, the sparkle of the beginning of the
month may fade, but now it is replaced with positive social interactions and
spending time with friends. Change is still in the air, but now it may be
general change rather than specific changes you need to make. You may also find
it smart to make minor communication changes when it comes to getting along
with established institutions and your overall direction in life.
Pisces (Approx. February 21st
to Spring Equinox): Other than challenges in communication and potentially when you are
traveling, you may find the beginning of January is a non-event for you when
put into the context of other signs. Early January 2025 is a good time to focus
on planning your year out, particularly regarding your career, occupation, and
overall direction in life. As January continues, you may find things go from
average to great as the earlier communication challenges clear up and said
challenges are replaced with good things coming your way that have to do with
love, money through creativity, spiritual maturing, and getting what you
deserve. If you are a February Pisces, you may find your mind is stimulated,
but if you are a March Pisces, challenges may be present that have to do with
workplace communication, and your home life and immediate family may be sources
of challenges, but these can easily be overcome.
These little
tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill
Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer,
author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for
consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist
in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,
www.418ascendant.com, and feel free
to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.