You might know this stone by it’s other name:
“Infinity Stone”.
Some qualities are:
Kambaba Jasper is a stone of Peace and Tranquility, imbued with the nourishing green energy of Nature.
It brings serenity with mental clarity. Its dark mystic circles and deep green swirls comforts and protects,
calms and relaxes, soothing troubled minds and restoring balance to the body and spirit. Its slow, steady frequency expands your ability to focus and is a remarkable aid in meditation, granting the release of negative thoughts and feelings, especially those that plague your consciousness on a continual basis. Stimulating the heart chakra, Kambaba Jasper draws wisdom from its ancient life energies and encourages you to open the heart to loving the self and others more fully, and increases the ability to receive love in return. Kambaba Jasper is good for grounding and offers protection for travelers, both on the earth plane and on the astral plane. It is beneficial for plant growth and said to cleanse the body of toxins.
Looking for a ritual idea? Try using this stone when creating new healthy habits or new moon rituals