Welcome to Pathways

Welcome to Pathways!

Pathways- a brick and mortar store- is a complete Magickal, Metaphysical, New Age, resource center. And, while the “About Us” page will give you the nuts and bolts of what we carry, that is only the tip of the iceberg for who and what we really are.
We’ve been around for over 30 years. We’ve seen a lot and as a community, we’ve been through a lot. We’re going to be honest with you – sometimes that includes telling you what you don’t want to hear. That being said, we’re a “come as you are” party – as long as you play nice with everyone else. So…welcome to the family!

From our current owners,

Melina Valdejo & Ken Needham:

“We consider ourselves fortunate to be part of the very important “Great Work” of personal, spiritual development during these times. Our plan is to continue Pathways’ purpose, nourish its growth and bring about more resources to assist with that growth. As we all help each other, we all grow and thrive.”
October 2013

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