Tarot 101 with Courtney Weber, a 5 week class series!

Courtney Weber Hoover
  Courtney Weber 










Join Pathways New Age Books & Gifts, a St Louis based Metaphysical Events and Resource Center as we welcome back Courtney Weber!

It’s not often that you can learn tarot directly from someone as knowledgeable as Courtney Weber. Reading tarot cards from the tender age of 15 (and reading for more than 23 years), you can be assured that she knows them inside, outside and upside down.

This class is 5 consecutive Tuesdays for one payment of $99!

Can’t make a class or two? Not to worry! Replays will be available!

Join us for the 5 week class, “Tarot 101 with Courtney Weber”, please register here:


In an opportunity to share her skills with more people, Courtney’s class is an incredibly priced $99 for the entire series- that’s less than $20 for each 2 hour class. Here’s what she’ll be covering:

Feb 9, 7pm CST

Introduction to Tarot

What is Tarot? How does it work? Do I really have to memorize 78 cards (spoiler alert…no!) Join Tarot advisor and author Courtney Weber on this deep-dive introduction to the Tarot. You’ll learn a general history of the cards and explanation of the different suits and the Major Arcana. Class will end with Tarot spreads you can try on your own! Bringing along a Tarot deck is encouraged.

Feb 16, 7pm CST

The Major Arcana: The Fool’s Journey

The Major Arcana is the main pillar of the Tarot. It’s based on an ancient tale of an explorer of life. Explore how your own life matches this story and identify the roles of this story in your life. Class will end with specific exercises to better know this extraordinary practice in the Tarot. Bringing along a Tarot deck is encouraged.

Feb 23, 7pm CST

The Court Cards

Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages…what do these mean in a Tarot reading??? This exercise will help you figure out who or what these characters represent when they appear in your Tarot readings. Class will conclude with a practice in helping your readings become stronger with the inclusion of this power section of the Tarot. Bringing along a Tarot deck is encouraged.

March 2, 7pm CST

The Minor Arcana

There’s nothing “minor” about this section of the Tarot! Holding images of great power and experience, work with your deck to unlock previously cryptic images in order to evoke powerful messages from your Tarot readings. Bringing along a Tarot deck is encouraged.

March 9, 7pm CST

The Voice Of The Tarot

Am I only seeing what I want to see in my Tarot readings? How do I trust that what I see in the cards is what I should tell the person I’m reading for? What are the cards trying to say??? Come explore practical exercises to bring out the message of the Tarot in a clear, concise, and powerful way.

ASL provided by request. Please let us know if you would like/need ASL for this course.

This class is 5 consecutive Tuesdays for one payment of $99!

Can’t make a class or two? Not to worry! Replays will be available!


Courtney Weber is a Witch, author, Tarot adviser, and activist. She is the author of “The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might”, “Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess”, “Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself”, and the forthcoming “Hekate: Goddess of Witches”. She is a co-host of That Witch Life podcast. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, Vice, Maxim, Playboy, and the Thom Hartmann Show. Visit her online at www.courtneyaweber.com


For more information on Courtney, please see her website at


Join us for the 5 week class, “Tarot 101 with Courtney Weber”, please register here:




Did you know Courtney has a podcast? Check it out here at: https://thatwitchlife.com/

Other Books by Courtney Weber Hoover:

   An illuminating exploration of Ireland’s ancient dark goddess—the beloved “phantom queen” of the Celtic world—with practices for modern-day devotees.

The Morrigan is one of Pagan Ireland’s most famous–and notorious–goddesses. Her name translated as “phantom queen” or “great queen,” the Morrigan is famous for being a goddess of war, witchcraft and death, protection and retribution. This book also explores her patronage of motherhood, healing, shapeshifting, and the land. Classified among the Sidhe (fairies), the Morrigan dates back at least to Ireland’s Iron Age, but she is as modern as she is ancient―enjoying a growing contemporary and global following. Author Courtney Weber provides a guide for the modern devotee of this complex, mysterious goddess that encompasses practical veneration with modern devotionals, entwined with traditional lore and Irish-Celtic history.



After teaching Tarot and speaking at Tarot symposia around the country for a decade, one question I have been consistently asked is, “How do I read Tarot for myself? I can read for others, but not me!” Therefore, I wrote Tarot for One, a personal workbook and resource guide designed to help form interpretations directly applicable to self-readings.

This book explores the Fool, the Major Arcana, the Court Cards, Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles, as well as what I call the tough cards, reversals, practice spreads, and next steps. It includes common associations as well as extensive exercises to unlock your own interpretations for connecting personal journeys with the archetypical Tarot. You will learn to let the voice of the Tarot come through without overlaying too much of you own “stuff” during a reading.

Tarot for One includes dozens of original Tarot spreads and layouts, which have been repeatedly proven both fun and effective in my classes and workshops. It also contains tips on finding a deck, honing a Tarot practice, and avoiding common self-reading pitfalls. This is the essential guide for your personal journey with the Tarot.



Brigid – mother, daughter, healer, bard, warrior, fire goddess, goddess of the oak, animals, and magic. Brigid of the spring, her festival Imbolc, oversees fertility of all kinds. Brigid is many things to many people. In this enticing book, Courtney Weber offers up a wide-ranging exposition and celebration of all things Brigid, who is arguably the most popular figure in Celtic mythology and religion. Meet Brigid in her various incarnations–Celtic Pagan Goddess, Christian Saint, and Voudon Loa.

Each chapter ends with guided meditations and exercises that help readers tap into Brigid’s healing powers. Inside you’ll find Brigid-focused spells, blessings, recipes, and rituals for love, harmony, protection, and much more.


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