March 2024 Horoscopes are here!

*For All Signs: Mercury stations retrograde on March 31, 2024, at 5:15 PM central time at twenty-seven degrees Aries. It will stay retrograde until April 26, 2024, at 7:55 AM central time, at sixteen degrees Aries. This is the first noteworthy retrograde of the year and closes the window on moving forward without juggling retrograde effects. In short, hit the ground running at the beginning of the month because April begins with a bang.

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Easy-flowing changes pertaining to your social scene and interactions with society may be at the beginning of March. This can encompass everything from friendships to romance. If you work with technology, you may find unexpected money through your job. Romance may be rolling along nicely and smoothly now, helping your ongoing healing journey. After the equinox, you may be stepping fully into your power and feeling more alive than normal. Additionally, the last two weeks of the month are a good time to communicate your needs for your healing process and take the initiative when learning a new technological tool or thinking process. The first two weeks of March are about planning and working with what you’ve got, while the last two are all about moving forward into the new astrological year.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): Tense emotions that could hamper what you’re doing may be the theme of the beginning of March, especially when it comes to how you interact with your social circles and romantic liaisons. This is a good time to clarify your inner vision and let inspiration and creativity be your muses. As the month continues, there may be tension in the air around the equinox, but this will be short-lived. Your romantic relationships may become more intimate, and they may be the environment that allows you to express your creativity and finer emotions. If you embrace your uniqueness and individuality over the latter part of the month, you may find you lay the foundation for long-term happiness. Personal development may also come easily to you in the last part of the month. 


Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): Emotional and spiritual challenges may be the main themes at the beginning of the month, and as an extension to this, you may note that you are in a loop of ‘what goes around comes around,’ or the law of cause and effect. However, this is also a good time to reach out to friends and take fresh action in your romantic life. These pieces paint the bigger picture of the next step of your ongoing healing process. As the month progresses, communication may improve if you keep your conversations short, and it becomes a good time to start new projects. Even though emotional and spiritual challenges may still be present, these will take time to play out, so there is no sense of urgency. Your creativity may be stronger than normal around the equinox, and good fortune may be in the air in games of chance. 


Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): The beginning of March 2024 brings many opportunities for creativity growth, spiritual enlightenment, and emotional evolution, so if you hit the ground running, you may find you can tap into your muse rather easily. Money and prosperity may flow easily through your daily work, and you may find you are accepted for who you are rather than how people think you should be. As the month progresses, you may find things going from fantastic to challenging. Communication may be challenging, especially regarding short tempers and emotions. You may also find that the creativity that came earlier in the month is now a little bit harder to tap into, requiring minor adjustments. Throughout the month, you may find your romantic life firing on all cylinders, getting more intimate as the month matures. 


Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): March 2024 may start with a lot of tension and pressure, particularly regarding your emotions and how they are affected by social changes. There may be challenges regarding how you unlock prosperity in your daily life and challenges that have to do with how you embrace the ongoing technological evolution. As the month continues, a lot of this evens out. Around equinox, you may find your emotions stronger than normal, and you can come into a lucky streak. Romance may be fun and playful towards the end of the month, and your creativity may be extra strong. Throughout the month, it is worth noting that your friendships may be a source of aggravation, as tempers may be shorter than normal, and there may be irritation present for various reasons.

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Tension may be the theme of the first two weeks of March, as you may find it exists when it comes to emotions, spirituality, and creativity. However, to compensate for this, you may find prosperity and money through business, and your daily work life will come to the fore, producing results in positive ways. Communication challenges may also be the norm, particularly manifesting regarding your emotions and how you trigger the emotions of others. Watching for unexpected occurrences throughout the month in your daily routine would also be wise. As the month continues, it is worth noting that many of the challenges in the first two weeks have dissipated and are replaced with nothing. In other words, there are no more challenges but no positive results, either. After the equinox, watching your spending on what you buy to escape reality would be wise. Romantic relationships may also be challenged very late in the month.





Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Mental and psychological wounds of many kinds may be calling for your attention during the first part of the month, so it would be wise to address them when necessary. One of the best coping tools at your disposal is your social circle, and you may find your friends are a good source of joy and relaxation. Love may also be in the air through people you know, or money could come your way through your network. As the month continues, your creativity may open up, and a streak of good fortune may arrive. Romance may also be in the air after the equinox, and in general, the latter part of the month may not be a good time to roll out new projects. Communication may also be challenged over the last two weeks, as you may discover that your words trigger stronger emotions than normal and that people are not receptive to your words. 


Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Like Leos, Aquarians, and Taureans, you may find March 2024 starts with an emphasis on challenges in almost all areas of life. What separates Scorpio from the rest, though, is that intense emotions may be the strongest felt, so if you’re not careful, they could cloud your judgment when dealing with said challenges. The upside to the month is that this is a time of strong creativity, spiritual growth, and initiation into new states of being. As the month matures, you may find more energy in the air to channel into your projects. Your emotions may still be irritated around the equinox, but this will be short-lived. For the whole month, you may find it wise to watch your spending, particularly impulse buys. It is also a good time to review your daily schedule to free up more time and work smarter, not harder. 


Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Challenges may be present when it comes to emotions, creativity, and spirituality as March opens up, so you might find it wise to turn your attention to things you can control, such as mental healing and your friends. Speaking of friends, romance may be in the air through who you know, and you may find this is a good time to network for some extra cash if you need it. As March continues, extra energy may be available to you, so it would be wise to put a plan into place before it arrives. Your creativity may be stronger than normal after the equinox, and you may find you hit a lucky streak. Romance may be extra strong and positive the last two weeks of the month, and many of your spiritual and emotional challenges from earlier have cleared. 

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Unlike every other sign in the zodiac, you may find March 2024 starts on the note of ‘meh.’ Neither bad nor good, the beginning of March focuses on business as usual. Working with others in your professional life may prove beneficial, and the only real challenges present have to do with your healing journey, which has been going on for a while. As the month progresses, you may find things go from average to very, very challenging. This may include communication challenges and not knowing how to proceed regarding where you’re going in life from here. Creativity and romance may flow nicely, and money may come to you through your hobbies. This is also a time when good things may come to you if you have done good things up until now. 


Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Like Leos, Scorpios, and Taurus’, March 2024 may start with a lot of tension and challenges in the air, so if you were looking for a quiet time, the first part of March is not it. However, this is a good time to focus on healing mental and psychological wounds, or wounds that are associated with your sense of being and self. It would be wise to watch your spending for the whole month and do your best to increase your profit margin. It is also smart to allow extra time in your daily life for the unforeseen, as it may be more common than not. Shortly after the equinox, your emotions may be challenged, but this will only last a few days. The earlier communication challenges have now cleared up, and short conversations may yield surprising results. 


Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Happy birthday, fishes! This is your month, particularly the first two weeks. Your creativity may be stronger than normal, and romance may be blossoming. Spirituality may also be a major focal point, and it is a simple case of if you’ve done good, you will receive good. In many ways, like Cancers, this is a time of emotional and spiritual initiation. Prosperity may be rolling along smoothly, too, especially through your consistent work. As the month continues, you may note a lot of the feel-good vibes from earlier in the month have worn off, but there are not any challenges that have come up to replace them, leaving you with a fresh, neutral start to not only April but also the new astrological year. 


These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at 



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