New single stick ritual incense
has arrived
Incense helps create a separation between the mundane and the spiritual. Just as it has been used to cleanse space both physically and spiritually, incense can also help “set the space” as when used in ritual or meditation.
Pathways is now offering two lines of single stick premium incense. These are ideal for special rituals, occasions or a “last minute supply run”. These may be found on our ready-to-go herb rack and in our native section.
Our first line is a charcoal and resin base called Incan Aromas.
“Aromas are a source of healing for the physical, emotional and spiritual body. The following products can helps harmonize one’s energy with their surroundings.
This incense has been used in traditional rituals and celebrations throughout Brazil. It has been developed and improved for a period of 20 years. Made from natural ingredients and raw plants grown in sustainably managed areas. Inca Aromas is handcrafted with love and care, and brings you traditional wisdom.
Inca Aromas Special Incense blends are made with White Breu Gum resin extracted from the Almacega tree of the Amazon Rainforest. Oriented in various ways towards the magic powers of Nature, our Inca Aromas High Quality Natural handmade incenses are made with love and dedication. This resin makes the base of our incense. Its unique aroma purifies and harmonizes our energy.”
……Incan Aromas Incense Company
The four scents available are: White Sage, Black Styrax, 7 Herbs & Frankincense.
Qualities include:
White Sage: Clearing, Cleansing & Purifying
Black Styrax: Calming, Relaxing & Protection from Negativity
7 Herbs: Balancing & Centering of the Chakras
Frankincense: Sanctifying, High-vibrational & Cleansing
Our second brand is a palo santo wood based incense by “Specialty Incense Palo Santo” products.
“Palo Santo wood has been used for thousands of years by Shamans and Healers among the Incan population. This “Holy Wood” provides energetic protection and removes bad energies. Palo Santo wood is harvested under government supervision by the natives of the Peruvian jungle. No trees are destroyed in the collection of our wood, only twigs and branches from the ground are collected.”
…Specialty Incense Palo Santo products
The scents available are: Palo Santo with Myrrh & Palo Santo with Wiracoa
Qualities include:
Palo Santo & Myrrh: Palo is used to bring in prosperity (especially useful after smudging), focus, attract luck and to lift the mood. Myrrh is used to promote meditation and clarify the space.
Palo Santo & Wiracoa: Palo is used to bring in prosperity (especially useful after smudging), focus, attract luck and to lift the mood. Wiracoa is used for ritual and magick and corresponds to the element of fire.