Pre-recorded facebook lives for 4.24.23 & 4.25.23


Sometimes the Universe tells us it's time to take it easy. No video today, I'm saving my voice. I *did* however still do a spread for you guys.

1. The center card (the Hanged Man) was pulled for the “largest” energy of the day. He reminds us enlightenment can be gained by changing our perspective. It’s also about self-imposed rest or withdrawal. How can you conserve your energy today? How can you look at things differently?
2.  I pulled the two smaller RWS cards as “adjunct” energetics- energies that also are at play and may influence the main card. The Queen of Pentacles is quietly seated in her power watching over her assets. While the pentacles generally represent physical assets, they can also simply represent things you “value”. What do you need to watch over?
3. There’s that funky “nightmare” card again. We’ve seen it before-worry, fear, our minds running away with us. WECBT? (What else could be true?) This could also be an “early warning” system for you. How can you get in “front” of what’s in your worry? How can you be proactive about dealing with it? Consider this a “wake up” card.
4. Lastly, I wanted to draw a goddess card, asking “what goddess would be most helpful with these energies today?” Funny enough, it was the card that jumped, got shuffled *back* in the deck and came back anyway.  The card “Letting Go” flows nicely with the that 9 of Swords. This card reminds us that “you are exhausted from holding tight”. We can think of it like treading water for hours and hours-eventually we tire out. She reminds us that when we “let go” we can just “float”. This card is about trusting in the Goddess/God/Universe/insert-your-own-deity-here. Rest, recharge and work on how you *want* to experience those emotions. All emotions have their place.

Sigh,... facebook didn't like my videos for today, so here they are!
There are 2 because of course my phone alarm went off...

What's the lesson? PIVOT.

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