
Common names: Rose of Jericho, Jericho rose, resurrection plant, dinosaur plant, Maryam’s flower, flower of St Mary, St. Mary’s flower, Mary’s flower
Latin name: Selaginella lepidophylla
Origin: Chihuahuan Desert (northern Mexico, southwest United States and west Texas)
A plant with great resistance to desiccation, its branches have the property of contracting with dryness, remaining closed and dry for many years, reopening with moisture or contact with water, regaining all its freshness and beauty. After the rainy season, the plant dries up, dropping leaves and curling branches into a tight ball, and ‘hibernates’. Within the ball, the fruits remain attached and closed, protecting the seeds and preventing them from being dispersed prematurely. The seeds are very hardy and can remain dormant for years. Moistened again in a later rainy season, the ball uncurls and the plant wakes up from its dormant state, which causes the capsular fruits to open to disperse the seeds. If water is sufficient, the dispersed seeds germinate within hours. After it curls, it is easy for the wind itself to lift and drag it large distances, making them obligatory travelers through steppes and deserts crossing the borders of various countries in Asia and disseminating their seeds for all of them.
Magickally, they can be used to bring blessings and protect the home. After the flower has opened, used the water to ‘spritz’ around your home – and before it closes, place a small quartz crystal inside.
Note: Due to FDA regulations, we are unable to provide specific dosage information. We are also unable to answer questions requesting medical/healthcare advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for more information and all information is taken from the supplier’s website.
Please note, these are weighed by humans, so a slight variance in weight may occur from time to time.
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