
About Our Resources

Since many of our items are new to customers, we have elected to focus some of our energy on providing background information sheets.  These will serve as a starting point for research and interest.  Please feel free to download these for personal use or to share with friends.

We have the items referred to on these sheets for sale at Pathways in many beautiful forms and price points.  If you’re interested, please contact us for more details and watch for updated links to our on-line store.

We’ve also included some informative articles Deborah had written as well as some information on Circle of Light Independent Spiritualist Church, of which Deborah was the founding ordained minister.

For more information on Circle of Light Independent Spiritualist Church, please visit their website at:

Or their facebook page at:  Colisc – Circle of Light Independent Spiritualist Church | Facebook

Circle of Light is located at: 4025 Wilmington Ave, St Louis Missouri 63116

Phone: 1 314-717-4349


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