Samhain is coming! Are you working with Crow or Raven energy?

Pewter Bird skulls
Pewter Bird skulls
Samhain is coming! Are you working with Crow or Raven energy?
Use these pewter fetishes to draw in Raven and Crow totemic energy. Read on to find out how Raven and Crow can help you on your magickal path.
From the new book, “The Morrigan” by Courtney Weber Hoover​
“Many people experience an increase in crows, ravens or other black birds in their vicinity when working with the Morrigan, but these appearances don’t necessarily mean that a physical death is imminent. The birds’ appearance may simply be a sign that the Morrigan wants attention. It may mean she is listening. The birds may also signify a massive transformation….”
From “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews:
“Foremost, the Raven is the Native American bearer of magic, and a harbinger of messages from the cosmos. Messages that are beyond space and time are nestled in the midnight wings of the Raven and come to only those within the tribe who are worthy of the knowledge.
The Raven is also called upon in Native ritual for healing purposes. Specifically, the Raven is thought to provide long-distance healing.
The Raven is also a keeper of secrets, and can assist us in determining answers to our own “hidden” thoughts. Areas in our lives that we are unwilling to face, or secrets we keep that harm us – the Raven can help us expose the truth behind these (often distorted) secrets and wing us back to health and harmony.”
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