September 2024 Horoscopes are here!

These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): You may notice you are in an interesting position when September begins, Aries, so it would be wise to think through your reactions to situations in your life. Your creativity may be stronger than normal, and you may find good fortune through conversations with others. Games of fortune and chance may work out in your favor, and if you remain optimistic, you may find your attitude draws opportunities to you. Once the equinox arrives, your attention may shift to your personal relationships of all kinds. Some relationships may be ending, while others are taking form. Situations that have to do with justice may also be common, and in general, tension may be in the air in these areas. The most intense period will occur a few days after the equinox, so be prepared. 


Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): September may begin with a lot of unexpected circumstances in your daily life, but if you navigate them successfully, you may find you put yourself in a position for long-term growth and manifestation. The present challenge is communication, and it will clear up quickly after the first of the month. Your personal relationships may be pleasurable, though, taking the edge off. The second half of the month may turn your attention to your family and close friends, where things will be rolling nicely and smoothly. The daily work life may also come front and center in ways that can benefit the long run. In short, the theme of the last half of the month is manifestation, but possibly deferred gratification instead of instant.     


Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): As September rolls around, you may find things are going well, and the future looks bright. In short, that is the theme for the first two weeks. There may be challenges in your daily work life, but other than that, smooth-flowing success can be achieved through the people you know and how you express your creativity. Your creativity may be a never-ending fountain to draw from the first two weeks as well, so in short, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. After the equinox, though, your muse may be stronger and closer than normal. The latter half of the month may focus on the personal side of exhibiting your creativity. Inspiration and future-building conversations would be wise to indulge in, and brainstorming might be very successful. Your emotions may also be stronger than normal in the last two weeks, so it would be wise to control them as best as possible. 


Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Even though your work life may be rolling along nicely, you may note tension almost everywhere else. September may start with many problems in the air, ranging from personal relationships to your state of mind. Unexpected situations that come up in daily life may work in your favor, though, and if you make the necessary adjustments, you may come out ahead. When the equinox arrives, that is a different story. Personal relationships become the focal point, and they may be full of issues at the moment. New relationships may be forming while old ones are dying away. Whatever the case, your temper may be shorter than normal in the last two weeks, but you may also be drawn to the spiritual side of existence. 


Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): In short, September may start with a lot of positive vibes in the air and a lot of things flowing easily to you, so if you’re feeling optimistic and lucky, you may have a fantastic two weeks. However, you can also expect your daily life to be full of the unexpected, but how it plays out will largely be based on your attitude. Once equinox arrives, you may feel more in touch with your personal power, but there may be issues in business or intimate relationships. Your daily life may also be quieter than it was at the beginning, giving you extra time and energy to focus on your romantic life. The last two weeks may require minor adjustments in your home and office lives, but once you make them, things roll along smoother for a while yet to come. 

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): Happy birthday Virgos! This is your month to do what you don’t normally do-pamper yourselves. Challenges may be present in daily conversations, and you may also want to allow extra time during short trips. But the good news is that you may get unexpected physical blessings that can lead to long-term stability, so staying focused on your overall goals would be wise. Once the equinox arrives, you may notice all good vibes, especially regarding your home, immediate family, close friends, romantic partners, and spirituality. If you put your energy into it, you may find the last two weeks of the month is a good time to break your bad emotional and spiritual habits. 



Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Romance and money through people you know may be two major themes as September begins, and both of those may be working out exceptionally well. Now is a good time to reach out and make the necessary connections to succeed. Brainstorming and inspiration may also be strong. As we get closer to the equinox, you may find that, in general, things dramatically change. There may be family issues you have to address, or at least issues with close friends, so you may find it wise to exercise compassion and tenderness. The last two weeks of the month are still good for brainstorming and personal connections, but you may also find it time to cut some of those relationships. At the beginning of October is a good time to keep up with your social circles, and I point this out here to show you that this life area will be a theme for many weeks. Now, you are at the beginning of it, so plan accordingly.  


Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): September 2024 begins with challenges that have to do with creativity, fortune, romance, and joy, as well as a daily life that is currently constantly up in the air, so if you wanted an easy start to it, it’s not there. The good news is that this is also a good time to focus on your spirituality and how you handle your emotions. These first two weeks are also a good time to bury yourself in your work. When the equinox arrives, you may notice it is time to turn your attention to the spiritual side of life in preparation for the upcoming seasonal festivities. This is a good time for spiritual, religious, and emotional growth. The challenges present at the beginning of the month have mostly dissipated, and it is currently a respite before October begins. 


Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): As September begins, you may live in a paradox regarding your interactions with people. With some, tension may be in the air, but in other cases, real growth may occur, so you will have to treat each situation separately. It would also be wise to spend cautiously the whole month, particularly when it comes to impulse buys. Your creativity may be stronger than normal, and you may experience a streak or two of good fortune. Romance may also be rolling along nicely now, giving you the optimism you need. When the equinox arrives, you may sense good things around the corner, and they are arriving at the tail end of September and early October. The good things coming your way are love, money through your connections, and the nice items you have and can create. 

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): With September comes a focus on work with the potential to pay off in the near future, so it would be wise to prepare for September by getting into work mode. Your personal relationships may be challenged at the moment anyway, which could give you the distraction you need. The first few days of the month may bring the unexpected, so remember the power lies in the response. Once the equinox arrives, you may have to focus on your immediate family and home life because tension exists. The last two weeks of the month may bring challenges with your personal relationships, so with tension in your home life, you can see how staying focused on work through the whole month might be smart to do.  


Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): September begins with tension regarding creativity, self-expression, fortune, romance, and your emotions in general, so you may want to use this time for internal change. Or, you could lose yourself in the company of friends, which could lead to prosperity and abundance soon. The unexpected may be the norm rather than the exception in your daily life, but this will quiet down the closer you get to the equinox. Once the equinox arrives, it may feel like a breath of fresh air, with almost all of the challenges earlier in the month dissipating over time. The second half of September brings potential through personal contact, meaning that if you talk to people you know about what you need to know, you might get led to the information you need to achieve success. 


Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): September may begin with tension in the air in the workplace, so it would be wise to do what you can with the professional situations in front of you. But, you may find that what happens unexpectedly in your daily life brings blessings as often as damnations, so it is smart to stay emotionally detached and assess each situation individually without assumptions. Once equinox arrives, the challenges present when it comes to your personal conversations will stay as they have been all month, but now more attention is placed on the home and immediate family. Your emotions may be out of sorts around the equinox, but this will fade within a week. The last week of the month is a good time for spiritual initiation and breaking emotional bad habits. 


These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at 



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