September Horoscopes from International astrologer, William Duvendack!
Plus – something that applies to everyone, regardless of your sign:
*ALL SIGNS* September 9th through November 14th, Mars will retrograde. This only happens approximately once every two years, and in this case it means Mars will be in its own sign for approximately six months, part of which is now through the end of the year. Mars in Aries, especially retrograde, tells us now is a good time to review where your energy is going and why. You may also find it wise to focus on any healing that you want to do discreetly, and to think about the things that are happening behind the scenes. Some of these should be brought to the surface, while other things shouldn’t. You may also find it wise to focus on spiritual healing, or healing having to do with the physical head and brain. Mars in its sign of Aries does tell us you can expect the aggressive situations in society to continue. However, if the focus of those working behind the scenes is on healing and peace, then now through the end of the retrograde this healing work is being done in quiet, for the greatest growth and good of all.
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