Show and Tell with Mel – Moldavite

The fourth video in our new series on You Tube!

(Be sure to subscribe and give us a “like” so you don’t miss out on our next video)

“Show and Tell with Mel” – Moldavite Jewelry

This series was truly created to solve a problem for us. While we’d love to personally walk around the shop with you and explain all the nuances of every single one of our products, it’s simply not doable (and we don’t want you to think we’re stalking you). It solves another issue for us too, though. While our St Louis, Missouri crowd is fantastic, not everyone lives here. With our ever-growing facebook community (join here: (8) Pathways New Age Books Music & Gifts | Facebook) we know that not everyone is local. This gives us a great opportunity to give you a personal show and tell of our product- where it comes from, how it’s made, how to use it & the most important question- what is that?

Click on the You tube link below:


Please note this video quality is not the best as we’ve been having internet issues – we gave it our best shot, though!

Moldavite (a tektite) is a hot commodity these days. It’s more rare on the planet than diamonds as it’s only found in one place- the Moldau Valley in Moldavia (formerly the Czech Republic). Moldavite is commonly known as the “stone that gets you on your life’s path” (just not always as *you* have it planned). It’s great for removing obstacles and gaining steam or momentum on goals and projects that you might feel “stuck” on.

In this video, Learn about Moldavite and get a sneak peek at our stock – which goes very quickly. Have questions? Call the shop at 314-842-0047


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Brought to you by Pathways New Age Books, Metaphysical supplies & events. A brick and mortar new age/metaphysical resource center, you can find Pathways on Facebook at @pathwaysstl , at 314-842-0047, in person at 11419 Concord Village Ave, St Louis, Mo 63123 or at

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Supporting your spiritual path since 1987!

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