Show and Tell with Mel – Superior Gemstone Malas

We’ve created a new series on You Tube!

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“Show and Tell with Mel”

This series was truly created to solve a problem for us. While we’d love to personally walk around the shop with you and explain all the nuances of every single one of our products, it’s simply not doable (and we don’t want you to think we’re stalking you). It solves another issue for us too, though. While our St Louis, Missouri crowd is fantastic, not everyone lives here. With our ever-growing facebook community (join here: (8) Pathways New Age Books Music & Gifts | Facebook) we know that not everyone is local. This gives us a great opportunity to give you a personal show and tell of our product- where it comes from, how it’s made, how to use it & the most important question- what is that?

In this video ( the first in the series), we’ll be discussing malas.

Here’s our description from You Tube (so you can watch for more in the future):

A little background…..What is a mala? In short, malas are a strand of 108 prayer beads that work much like the rosary. A mantra (or prayer) is said for each bead, while the center (often larger bead) “holds the energy” of all of the mantras/prayers.

Mala is a Sanskrit word meaning “garland” . So, an analogy for this would be to think about the way flowers are wrapped to make a garland or strand…when you chant or pray repetitively, you’re “wrapping yourself” in prayer.

Malas may be made from a variety of materials. The ones shown in this video are all gemstones and each gemstone has a meaning which is explained in the above video. An example of a popular mantra would be “Om mani padme hum”, which is often used to bring about peace.

Our malas are crafted in India by a company who pays their workers fair wages and mantras are continually being either chanted or played during the creation process. This isn’t a “faceless” company, they know Pathways personally and take excellent care of us as a business. 

Thank you for joining us and as always, if you have more questions, please call us at 314-842-0047 or contact us here:

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