Thankful Thursdays 11/14/19

Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays!

Yes, we know the December holidays are coming.

Yes, we know the shopping starts in November.

Yes, we WILL be there to help You with Your shopping too – however, we’d also like to use this month to share a few things we’re thankful for. So, starting things off:
Thankful Thursday the 14th:
We are thankful and grateful for the freedom of religion in this country. As a retailer that interacts with people and businesses all across the world, we hear a lot of personal stories. Don‘t get us wrong – some stories are wonderful – holiday celebrations, cooking for large groups of people at Temple, weddings and more. Some stories are not so happy. So, in that spirit – and the one that Rev. Deborah had in mind when she created Pathways –
“The Pathways to the Divine are Infinite.”
We encourage you to celebrate yours – you have that right.

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