Welcome Back! We missed you!

We are open for inside shopping!

Thanks so much for supporting us during Covid-19 and although things are not yet back to normal, we are allowing a limited number of shoppers inside!

Please realize, this is new territory for us and we will be doing the best we can. You may have to wait to come inside, please plan accordingly- there will not be chairs available.

Thank you for abiding by these guidelines, this ensures that Pathways will stay around for a long time.

Here’s the details:

  • Store hours remain 11am – 7pm everyday- except closed on Tuesdays
  • No children under the age of 16 (at this time)
  • Limit of 8 shoppers in the store at a time
  • All customers must wear a mask inside the store
  • Please practice social distancing (have a heart, stay 6 feet apart
  • No public restrooms (at this time, please don’t ask)
  • There are no in-person classes, readings or consultations for the time being (please ask about virtual options)
  • Combative or argumentative customers will be asked to leave

What we’re doing:


  • Our employees will be wearing masks and gloves -and be temperature checked before beginning their shift
  • We will be sanitizing high-touch areas regularly throughout the day
  • Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the shop for customer use
  • (and several “behind the scenes” things are happening to ensure you have a pleasant experience while shopping)

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