2024 Seasons of Sabbats

Deepening Your Craft,

Creating Your Herbal Grimoire

We have a new theme for 2024!

Join us for a year of “Deepening Your Craft, Creating an Herbal Grimoire”! Each sabbat will focus on two herbs that you can add to your own magickal grimoire. This year you get the create a resource that you can return to again and again! We can’t wait for you to join us!

**Please read the section below BEFORE ordering**

1. This is the pre-order page for these items. You will receive an email when your order is ready.

2. Our emails will show up under spam or promotions until you add us to your contacts/safe sender list.
Simply search for "Pathways" in your emails to find your order confirmation and availability.

Wanting more herbal knowledge?

Try these titles!

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