Tea Magic by Jenay Marontate


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Pour a Steaming Cup of Health, Intuition, and Enchantment

Brewing tea is more than just magic, it is an intimate act steeped in rich history, exciting pageantry, and ceremonial rituals. This beginner-friendly book covers everything you need to know about tea, including all six true varieties, herbal tisanes, and even cannabis tea. You will learn how to:

  • Create your own blend • Properly brew the perfect pot • Safely charge your tea with crystals • Connect to spirit guides and guardian angels • Draw on the influence of the zodiac • Scry into your teacup • Call on gods and goddesses • Read the leaves and water

With chants, sigils, visualizations, and other tools, there is likely more to tea witchery than you ever imagined. This book’s gentle guidance through the world of tea will help you improve meditation, increase wellness, enhance spell work, and expand your joy one cup at a time.

Jenay Marontate began learning the secrets of kitchen witchery at an early age from her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Now, she applies her knowledge of herbs, oil, magic, and kitchen witchery to her loose-leaf tea and spice business, Kitchen Witch Gourmet. Here, she infuses tea with magic, wellness, happiness, and love to brew the perfect cup. She also teaches tea leaf reading and other tea magic in the US and in China.

Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in


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