31 Days of Samhain part 2 (days 16-31)

This is the second half of the 31 days of Samhain. Are you ready to go deeper?
Minerva’s Owl pendants Made in Greece

These cute owls are sterling silver and hand-carried all the way from Greece. (please note, eyes are acrylic)
Courtney Weber presents the Dangerous Goddess

We’ve loved seeing this woman teach both in the shop and online. Now you have an opportunity to learn from her online as well! Courtney Weber takes away the fluff […]
Hekate, Liminal Goddess of Ghosts with Courtney Weber

Hekate is one of the most popular goddesses in modern Paganism…but who is she? Frequently known as a Goddess of ghosts, this liminal entity is also a patroness
New Pagan Jewelry

Tiny Cauldrons, moonstone pentagrams, goddesses, triple moons & more!