*FOR ALL SIGNS* Mercury stations retrograde at fifteen degrees thirty-four minutes of Taurus at 3:35 AM central time Thursday, April 20th, and is retrograde until Monday, May fifteenth at 10:16 PM central time, at five degrees fifty-three minutes Taurus. Fixed sign placements will feel this the most intensely. When Mercury retrogrades in an earth sign, it tells us you will probably be dealing with Mercury retrograde situations having to do with the physical plane in all its manifestations.
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop, who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.
Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Happy birthday, Aries! This is your month! April 2023 brings a lot of emphasis to who you are, your flaws, strengths, and all. Circumstances are right for periods of good fortune and prosperity, but remember not to over-exert yourself. You may also find your creativity is stronger than normal and that optimism serves you well. As the month continues, it is worth noting that even though you may be drawn to spending time with friends, family and home life may have their own issues to address. Personal communication may take some extra work during the last two weeks as Mercury begins to retrograde. Minor adjustments regarding your financial picture may be required of you around the end of the month as well, but these will be short-lived.
Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): Even though you may feel emotionally out of sorts when April begins, you may quickly see that things are going well overall, especially regarding love and money. The home life and immediate family may also be sources of joy, and you may enter a new cycle of spiritual unfoldment. As April matures, everything may go from good to fantastic, but don’t let that dull you into a false sense of security, as Mercury retrogrades in your sign towards the end of the month. This transit tells us you may want to ensure that all of your possessions are in good working order before the 20th and that it would also be wise to play it safe with your money.
Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): It’s a good thing you can be fast-acting and adaptive when you need to be because April 2023 begins with many emphases on both of those themes. However, spiritually and emotionally, there may be challenges that have to do with the root causes of issues today, but by using your mind, you may find a path to healing. As the month progresses, it is worth noting that Mercury will be retrograding, and even though this is occurring in Taurus, it may still impact you in the guise of minor inconveniences and required adaptation. Your romantic relationships may be rolling along nicely by the end of the month, and you may find you can make some cash through your connections.
Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): April 2023 may begin with a lot of challenges in general, but specifically ones that draw your attention to your limits and wounds as they relate to your sense of self. You may also find it wise to play things financially conservatively in general and remember that easy come is easy go. You may have cash in hand, but long-term investments may be challenged. The immediate family and home life may be rolling along nicely, as well as your romantic relationships. As the month progresses, you may discover that, overall, things go from challenging to smooth and that the last two weeks of the month are pleasurable and satisfying. For the whole month, you may find this is a time of spiritual initiation, emphasizing cause and effect and actions and consequences.
Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): If you listen to your instincts, you may discover that April 2023 holds a lot of potential at the beginning of the month that can be capitalized on, giving you a strong foundation for the future. Money may be tight, and your romantic life may be full of challenges, but both topics will move through quickly. After mid-April, you may see that things, in general, go from optimistic and fast-moving to full of challenges in all areas of life except your romantic relationships and daily enjoyment. Mercury retrogrades on April twentieth, and you may find this particular retrograde period may be more challenging than most, especially if you are a Leo born in August. It would be wise to pay attention to the physical world around you for the full month.
Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): April 2023 may begin with much emphasis on home life and religion, so it would be wise to set aside time for such things. You may also find your health is rolling along nicely, as is the cash in your pocket for your hard work. Emotional and spiritual tension may be present, though, but a lot of the tension has to do with applying wisdom to your current situations regarding both of those. As the month matures, you may find things go from requiring a lot of adjustments to easily flowing, as long as you have put in the work. Mercury retrogrades on the 20th, though, and it is in Taurus, telling us you may find your daily life requires re-evaluation, as might your health. You may also see that your romantic life meets challenges, as does frivolous spending.
Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): Tension may be the name of the game as April 2023 begins, and this may especially have to do with balancing various projects. Seeing and working within your limits may be a reoccurring theme, and you may find this is a good time to pay extra attention to your investments and long-term goals. As the month continues, you may find a lot of the tension in the air changes to the energy of productivity and work. You may also experience romantic stimulation, and money may flow easily to you through your relationships. However, home life may be particularly challenging right now, especially as it has to do with close family members. If you are religious, you may find challenges there, too. Inspiration may flow easily to you, though, and you may be able to grasp concepts that have given you headaches.
Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): While money may be tight right now, the theme of your investments and long-term plans is proactivity and discipline. Your intuition may be sharper than normal to start April 2023, and you may feel your emotions are stronger than normal. Spiritual initiation may also be a theme for the beginning of the month. As the month progresses, though, you may find that while the romantic life and financial situation get better, the dominant tension in the air is communication and electrical problems, as Mercury retrogrades on the 20th. If you put your energy into your investments and long-term plans at the beginning of the month, you may find you can ease up on them the last two weeks of April.
Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Extra energy may be at your disposal as April 2023 begins, so if you apply yourself, you may accomplish more than you planned. The beginning of April is also a good time to do foundational work for your long-term goals and plans, and the main approach to take is that of self-discipline and willpower. As the month moves forward, you may find that extra energy is gone and might be replaced with tension related to your romantic life and money that you carelessly spend. Spiritual and personal growth may be two areas of friction, but this is nothing new and will be around for quite some time as Saturn moves through Pisces, so while important, it is also not time-sensitive, at least not yet.
Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): Your daily life might be rolling along well as April 2023 begins, but challenges may be in the air that has to do with goal achievement and ambition conflicting with your normal techniques, so it would be wise to be adaptable whenever possible. The home life and immediate family may also be areas of tension right now, and this will be happening for the majority of the month, so it would be wise to allow extra time and energy for those life areas. As the month continues, you may find that, in general, things get radically cleared up, and even the Mercury retrograde at the end of the month is simply calling your attention to getting things so that you have been deferring. Other than the continued tension in the home life and immediate family, and the challenges that have to do with your willpower, you may see that everything is finally rolling along smoothly now that Pluto is basically done with your sign.
Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Your emotions may be out of sorts as April 2023 begins, but other than that, things may be rolling along smoothly regarding forward motion on your projects and your life. Challenges may be present that have to do with money and/or your romantic life, but even though money is challenged, prosperity is not, and even though the romantic challenges may be present, they will dissipate by mid-month. As April 2023 progresses, you may notice that, in general, things get more challenging, and a lot of this will center around the Mercury retrograde beginning on the 20th. Your daily life, health, and values may all be themes to readdress as Mercury makes its trip, and part of all of these may have to do with finding new ways to deal with some reoccurring situations in your life. The last two weeks are definitely a case of “If it isn’t broke, but can be improved on, then change it!”
Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): The physical world in all its manifestations may be rolling along nicely and smoothly at the beginning of the month, and your intuition may be sharper than normal as April 2023 begins. All of this gives you an easy-flowing start to the month, with the biggest challenges having to do with making a lot of minor adjustments to continue to advance toward your goals. As the month matures, things may continue to roll along nicely and smoothly, even with the Mercury retrograde, but challenges may be present when it comes to impulse buying and communication in your romantic relationships. These will probably work themselves out by mid-May, so if you can exercise self-control until then, you may find things dramatically ease up.
These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website, www.418ascendant.com, and feel free to email him at bill@418ascendant.com.