Litha Email Bonuses

Well, first off – thank you so much for purchasing our first online Sabbat Kit! We hope you loved it as much as we loved creating it.



Unfortunately, we had a few tech issues. Truth be told, we know better than to launch something like this during a mercury retrograde, but hey- the sabbats wait for no one – so we tried.



We’ve only recently found out that you weren’t receiving your email bonuses (just the emails), so we’d like to (along with help from our web developer) remedy that right now.

With that in mind, you’ll find links to all of your additional bonuses below.


Again, thanks for being part of our exciting (and tiny bit rough) first online sabbat kit. We truly appreciate you, your patience and your support!

Stay tuned, because the next sabbat is just around the corner!


With gratitude,

Your Pathways Family <3

Bonus Materials

Managing Your Energy

Journal Class Handout

Journey Entry Prompt

Fire Ceremony Handout

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