New Single Stick Ritual Incense Has Arrived
Perfect for ritual, meditation and special intentions.
Horoscopes are up for January 2020!
January 2020 Horoscopes are up! See what’s in store for your sun sign this month!
What will be your focus in 2020?
What will your focus be in 2020? Pathways has some great guided books that help you build on your knowledge while giving you a direction to aspire to! Consider these […]
Reiki Mama Soap
It was one of the most sought-and-bought items for the holidays- Reiki Mama Soap. Hand-crafted by our very own Karen (Reiki Mama) this stuff is one hot commodity! But then […]
We have all your smudging and cleansing supplies
All the supplies to cleanse your space
2020 Calendars are selling out fast!
Well friends, if you’re hoping to get a 2020 calendar, please come in soon. Now that we seem to be moving to a more digital age, companies are making smaller […]
Great Gift Ideas at Pathways!
Great gift ideas
Are you counting? The holidays are closer than you think!
12 days until Yule. 15 days left until Christmas.
Samhain is coming! Are you working with Crow or Raven energy?
New jewelry for Samhain / Halloween and totem animal work
The September 2019 calendar is up!
Happenings here at Pathways in September 2019